Information for Carers




Our surgery is committed to recognising and supporting our unpaid carers.

A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support.

Do you help a family member, child, friend or neighbour that:

  • is frail
  • has a disability or special needs
  • has a chronic illness and/or
  • has a mental illness
  • has dementia/Alzheimer’s
  • has a substance misuse problem with drugs or alcohol?

Do any of these statements apply to you?

  • Is this help regular and ongoing?
  • Does this help involve showering, toileting, dressing or other personal care?
  • Does this help involve cleaning, cooking, shopping, transport and/or assistance with bills or other paperwork?
  • Does this help involve medication or other health care?
  • Would this person have difficulty managing on their own if you could not provide regular and ongoing support?
  • Do you receive Carers Allowance or no payment at all?

Please contact the surgery so that you can be coded as a carer and we can better support you. We can also book you in with our social prescriber.

Further support is available in Waltham Forest.


Carer’s Assessment

A carer’s assessment is for carers over the age of 18 who looks after another adult who is disabled, ill or elderly. For the carer, this is a chance to record what impact caring has on your life and what support or services you need.

To arrange this, please call the Waltham Forest Adult Social Care Team on 020 8496 3000 or email them


Carers First

Carers First provides a range of services, offering carers information and guidance, emotional and wellbeing support, practical help and financial assistance - online, by phone and face-to-face in the local community.


Waltham Forest Talking Therapies Service

We provide treatments and services that help those feeling distressed by difficult events in their lives as well as people concerned about their mental health.


Carers UK

Care for a Cuppa? It's easy to feel isolated when you're caring. Held on Zoom, our online Care for a Cuppa chats offer a space to meet other carers, share experiences and find mutual support. 

Visit the Carers UK website


Financial support