Bridge The Gap

Patient Participation Group Newsletter - February 2023




Welcome to the new look version of Bridge the Gap, brought to you by your Patient Participation Group (PPG). The newsletter will include all the latest news from the Practice as well interesting articles and health initiatives.

We are inviting patients to join the PPG and work with us and the practice to

improve services for its patients.
Interested? You can sign up via our secure online form or speak to one of the receptionist who will happily pass on your details and we’ll be in touch.

image of a patient group


Meet the PPG

Debbie is an active fun-loving nanny to 5 fabulous grandsons. Family is my first passion – like most I guess, but not exclusively.  I have found it difficult to write a profile that doesn’t sound like a dating app.

I worked in Local Government for 25+ years but following early retirement, I found a new love in volunteering including Silverstone for the British Grand Prix (see pic), Lords cricket ground for some fabulous international matches and as a team leader at the World Para Championships at the Olympic stadium 2016. 

I first applied to join the Churchill Medical Centre’s Patient Group some years ago.  I am a firm believer in helping to shape residents’ experiences, whether that be taking part in the plans to redevelop my local area or having input into how we receive our medical support.  

As part of the Patient Group, I have been delighted to listen to speakers on various medical conditions and how best to manage your own health.  We have also had visits from those helping to reshape the GP services across the Chingford and Highams Park area. It’s always good to know what is being planned and where possible to have your views considered.

I have had some involvement in the introduction of e consult and spent some time helping patients to trial the service via the tablets made available to patients in the waiting room at both practises.


Weekend and Evening Service

Patients can now access face to face-to-face appointments on Saturdays at Chingford Medical Centre. This service is setup by the five GP surgeries in Chingford known as the Primary Care Network and is available upon request from the Receptionist.

GP’s from your own surgery will have responsibility for supporting this service and this will give some continuity of care.

There are also appointments for general health checks and blood tests which can be arranged through Reception.

The practice will be offering late-night telephone consultations on Friday evenings between 6.30pm and 8pm. This is offered with limited capacity to provide solutions to simple medical issues.

image depicting extended access hours


Falls Prevention Service

We can tend to think of falls happening in cold and icy conditions, but many happen in the home or garden.

Waltham Forest have a Falls Prevention Service that can provide advice and information on reducing the risk of falling. If you have had a fall, have a fear of falling or think you have a risk of falling, you can contact this service on 0300 555 1200. Alternatively, ask your GP or healthcare professional to make a referral on your behalf.

The service provides:

  • A useful online self-assessment tool to help assess the risk of falling as well as advice and guidance
  • 12 week courses which include exercise and education on fall related topics, delivered from the Age UK hub in Chingford
  • Home falls assessments to give advice and guidance on making the home a safer place e.g. poor lighting and obstacles around the home such as loose mats. In addition, help to overcome mobility issues such as providing small items of equipment and rails fitted where necessary

Look out for details of a Falls Prevention presentation which is being arranged at Churchill Medical Centre in the very near future. We hope to see you there


image of a physiotherapist

Musculoskeletal Therapist - Physiotherapy Service

The E4 Primary Care Network have commissioned a new Musculoskeletal (MSK) physiotherapy service to be delivered from Ching Way on Thursday’s and Churchill on Fridays.

Patients can refer themselves through the e-consult service and the reception team will organise a face-to-face appointment on their behalf.

The Musculoskeletal Therapist can make referrals for scans and more intensive treatment at Whipps Cross, as well as consulting with GP’s to prescribe medications if required.


Craft and Chat

Would you like some friendly company while you try out some new crafts such as knitting or embroidery? Or even just fancy a chat over a cuppa?
The Craft and Chat group meet on the first Tuesday of every month between 2pm and 3.30pm at Churchill Medical Centre. No need to book, just come along


Form Filling Support

Do you need help completing forms to claim Personal Independent Payments (PIP), Attendance Allowances or Blue Badges?

If so, a member of the PPG has volunteered to support patients with completing forms. If you would like to take advantage of this support, please contact the practice to arrange a telephone consultation

image depicting forms

Published: Feb 27, 2023